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STEK Revolution
You’ve heard the buzz… Join the revolution by finding an authorized installer in your area. Looking to install STEK in your shop? Contact us here.
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Installer Levels Explained:
Red Pin = Authorized STEK Installer
Authorized STEK Installers have completed STEK Training, or another widely recognized training and certification course to be able to offer our Paint Protection Film and Window Tint. Experience and use of STEK products may vary, each are a part of the #STEKRevolution! Type in your city or zip code to find an authorized STEK installer near you.
Black Pin = STEK Black Label Installer
STEK Black Label Installers are recognized for excellence in a growing industry for an exceptionally high level of customer service, quality craftsmanship, installations, and organization. Black Label installers provide complete peace of mind for any service you need. Clients and their vehicles receive a tailored world-class experience to ensure a positive outcome and high-quality results through every step of the process. STEK USA’s Black Label Installers offer protection you can trust and are the pinnacle of quality the STEK network represents. Search our installer locator for a STEK Black Label installer near you to be rest assured your car, truck, SUV, or other toys get the special treatment they deserve.
Black Label Installers have successfully completed rigorous qualifications and have ample experience in all STEK services they provide. Want to learn more about our Black Label Installers? Read here.
Locator Icons Explained:
Offers STEK Clear Paint Protection Films

STEK Installers with this icon offer our
our DYNOshield, DYNOmight, or
PROshield (DYNOlight). Learn more
Offers STEK Fashion Films

This icon is used to show which
Installers offer our Colored and
Patterned Fashion Film Paint
Protection Film products.
Includes our Light Protection Films.
Offers STEK Window Tints

If you’re looking for Window Tint
from STEK, look no further! Any
shop listed with this icon offers it.